Notes for Fall Decorating

With the new season bringing crisp, cool air and colorful trees, it’s a great time to decorate your home for the upcoming holidays. In addition to Thanksgiving, having a daughter with a birthday that falls on Halloween, this season has been a big time for festivities in my family. Especially when my daughter was young, when family and friends would visit, they were surprised when they first saw my decorated and painted pumpkins in colors of gold, silver and white that I used as centerpieces. Some would have monogrammed words on them with a mix of berries, pine cones, etc. I wasn’t much of an orange person so this worked well in my home.

Fast forward 20+ years later, while looking through Pinterest for decorating ideas, I couldn’t help but notice all of the photos with natural white and painted pumpkins along with a mix of natural materials like bittersweet, acorns, plants and candles. So whether you are decorating outside at your entry or creating a centerpiece for your table or a display for your mantle, the possibilities are endless. The selection is great at your local farmers market and I would highly recommend starting there. You will be sure to find a great variety of colors, shapes and sizes of gourds, squash and of course pumpkins. Not to mention mums, ornamental peppers, etc.

For more fall decorating ideas and inspiration, check out this board I put together on Pinterest. Don’t forget to follow Custom Craft Contractors while you are there.