7 Tips for a Happier Home

Feeling good and looking good go hand-in-hand. Nowhere is this more true than in our homes. When we improve our living environment, it has a major impact on how we feel when we are in our homes. Here are a few tips to get you feeling good about your home again.

1. Clear the Clutter

Don’t try to do the whole house at one time, just start with a well-trafficked room you have been wanting to get in shape. Set your timer for 15 minutes and go. Once you feel the glow of accomplishment, you’ll be motivated to tackle another room and then another. Think about how you want each room to function and make sure the things you need for those activities are at hand. Get rid of every item that’s unrelated.

2. Get Inspired

Check out websites like Houzz to see what professional designers are doing and get your own creative juices flowing. You might also consider signing up for a workshop or seminar that offers remodeling tips. Books stores also offer a variety of home improvement books and magazines.

3. Liven Your Lighting

Lighting can make all the difference in how you experience a room. Count the light sources in each room. You’ll want to have three or more per room. Add light dimmers for your overhead lighting. You’ll be amazed at how dramatically this changes the feel of the room.

4. Color Me Wonderful

Touches of color will add pizazz to any room. You don’t have to go color crazy, but a fun touch added here and there will brighten your space and add enjoyment.

5. Choose Quality Over Quantity

Whether you’re purchasing furniture, window treatments, or remodeling, get the best you can afford–even if it means you buy a little less. It’s better to get a little less of what you really want than a lot of something that you’ll be unhappy with in a few months.

6. Maintain Your Home and Your Sanity

Nagging maintenance projects can add unwelcome daily stress. Before they become bigger problems, be sure to schedule your home maintenance projects. There’s no need to do them all on the same day. Whether you will do-it-yourself, or hire a handyman, stagger the projects into reasonable segments over time. Pretty soon your entire home will be ship-shape and you can schedule time for guilt-free relaxation.

7. Explore remodeling

If remodeling your home is an idea you’d like to explore, we’d be delighted to help. Schedule a visit to our selection studio for ideas on custom cabinetry, countertops, tile, paint colors and more. When you’re ready to talk specifics, call and set up a free in-home consultation with Mike Foering. It’s a good way to find out what is feasible for your home and budget.

Custom Craft Contractors has been making remodeling dreams come true since 1982. We would love to help bring your remodeling dreams to life, as well. Give us a call at 610-584-0665 to take the first step toward a happier, more functional home.

Many thanks to C & R Remodeling for providing the inspiration for this article.